What is the Call
The Million Men Mission is to pray for the
Spiritual Awakening of America!
The format for accomplishing this call is to recruit 10 pastors from each
U.S. city and they are to select 10 men and commit to pray together.
These 100 men will commit to each other that, “Prayer will be my first response and not my last resort on any subject matter”!
These 100 men will go to the website – www.nationalcalltoprayer.org
and JOIN with us in agreement by receiving the Daily Prayer Alerts through email. We are not collecting a mailing list, we just want people to share our
hope, our vision, and our faith that God does answer prayers!
If any of these men do not have internet access, then those that have internet access can sign up those that don’t and share their
resources by laptop and/or church computer. We only ask for your email address, which is held in complete confidence and not shared with any
organization or outside source.
We are building a platform for instant communication through email.
We want to collectively “Pray in Agreement” as quickly as possible!
These 100 men cell groups will first listen to the teaching on the website
under Audio Resources labeled "Calling Men to Prayer"
This is a general overview and a sharing of the vision of the Million Men
Next, these men will review together (or separately) the six Video sessions
under Basic Training.
These are labeled “Million Men Basic Training – Session # 1 - 6”
These are absolutely FREE teachings in order to establish the common
ground for the next phase of active participation in this mission.
Next, these men will set aside a specific time to pray together in the house
of prayer – their local church. As an example Capstone Church chose Monday nights for
their men’s prayer meeting.
Together WE can make this happen for the Glory of God and inspiration of America!