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Today's Proclamation 09-18-2024

Date: Sep 18, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, We the People are participants in The Church of the Living GOD-Jehovah! We are part of this Spiritual Army, this Spiritual Government! We have only ONE Commander in Chief and He has given us ALL...

Today's Proclamation 09-17-2024

Date: Sep 17, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, here are a few paragraphs from my personal journal about what has happened on Sunday: Okay LORD, what is going on that I need to know about? Holy Spirit open the eyes of my heart – I want to SEE...

Today's Proclamation 09-16-2024

Date: Sep 16, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, WE the People of Almighty GOD-Jehovah implore you by the Mercies of His WORDS –  DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT! Our government leaders (FBI & Homeland Security & Secret Service) along with...

Today's Proclamation 09-13-2024

Date: Sep 13, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the worship song for this Friday in September is from David & Nicole Binion album Never Going BACK! My heart belongs to You! My Life has been made new! By Arms that reach me and LOVE that keeps me IN...

Today's Proclamation 09-12-2024

Date: Sep 12, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, there is a ‘condition’ that is more accurately called a ‘mental sickness’ that has spread like wildfire in our country. This obsession is titled Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and it...

Today's Proclamation 09-11-2024

Date: Sep 11, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, after watching last night’s setup and take down of President Trump, I realized that this “performance” was calculated and scripted to TRY and cast doubts, fear, confusion and personally...

Today's Proclamation 09-10-2024

Date: Sep 10, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, there was an old, I mean really old commercial that had a tag line = Reach out and touch someone!   LINK = AS IT IS WRITTEN...

Today's Proclamation 09-09-2024

Date: Sep 9, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a COVENANT keeping GOD! When we get to a point in our lives where we comprehend the length, breath, depth, and height of GOD’s LOVE for His Creation, earthly THINGS become less and less...

Today's Proclamation 09-06-2024

Date: Sep 6, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, sometimes a song can simply overwhelm us with emotions. On Friday’s we pause from our prayers just to give THANKS & PRAISE to the LORD our GOD-Jehovah! ENJOY this simple melody that may be stuck...

Today's Proclamation 09-05-2024

Date: Sep 5, 2024
Author: Michael Blank

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, The JOY in the LORD is our STRENGTH! It really is OKAY to LAUGH AGAIN!  We noticed that the LORD LAUGHS at the plans of men who do NOT know Him! AS IT IS WRITTEN IN Psalm...

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