Today's Proclamation 12-27-2024

  • Dec 27, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, on Fridays we pause from our prayers of petition and supplications to sing songs and hymns and Spiritual SONGS making melodies from our hearts that Praise and Honor Almighty GOD-Jehovah!

While we may think that The LORD is taking way too long to answer our prayers, we must remember that the word – SUDDENLY – appears 72 times in my Bible!

Here is one such SONG from Elevation Worship:


Over the past few weeks in our church, we’ve been learning a Prayer that simply says

I breathe You in Holy Spirit – Your Strength comes Suddenly, and Your Peace fills me completely!

Can we just take a moment TO DO that? To BREATHE IN the very Breath of LIFE!

Can you say this with me?  I Breathe You IN Holy Spirit!

Your Strength comes suddenly, and Your Peace FILLS me completely! 

We ARE aware of You, HOLY SPIRIT!


ALL OF a SUDDEN – Elevation Worship Lyrics:

I breathe You in, I breathe You in, come fill me Holy Spirit!

With Your mighty rushing wind; I breathe You in; I breathe You in,

When You come all of a Sudden; I am strong again!

Breathe on me oh Breath of God!

Flood me with Your Living Water!

Rush through me now til my soul overflows!

It’s gonna come all of a Sudden; It’s gonna come all of a Sudden

It’s gonna come all of a Sudden; It’s gonna come all of a Sudden

I feel it coming All of a Sudden!

No you won't see wind And you won't see rain But the drought will end

Everything can change; All of a Sudden I feel it coming; All of a Sudden

He will come When you call His Name!

The Holy One Will renew your strength - All of a Sudden!

I feel it coming All of a Sudden!

Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Tiffany Hudson, Jenn Johnson © 2023 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing // Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Brian And Jenn Publishing CCLI# 7218675

ONE of my favorite times that SUDDENLY appears in my Bible is:

And SUDDENLY there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, Goodwill toward men!