Today's Proclamation 11-15-2022

  • Nov 15, 2022
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, whenever our situation seems LOST and in total chaos like this Election Fraud we are experiencing, this simple phrase – BUT GOD resonates with us:

AS IT IS WRITTEN in Ephesians 2:4-10

BUT GOD, who is rich in Mercy, because of His great LOVE with which He Loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us ALIVE together with Christ (by Grace you have been Saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His GRACE in His Kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

For by HIS GRACE you have been Saved through Faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

For we are His Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for GOOD WORKS, which God prepared beforehand that WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.

Dear ones, God has brought us to a very strategic and opportune time, His Wind is about to blow, and the Gifts He placed in us for this time are now being awakened. Holy Spirit spoke of Resurrection Life that would flow into the Body of Christ. He said the move of God we are entering will not be about preachers, but about the entire Body of Christ being anointed with the Power of Holy Spirit to work with Him in the ripe Harvest.

The Lord said, There can be no [reaping of the] Harvest without laborers. Therefore, I AM Resurrecting the Laborers.

I was reminded of something Holy Spirit once spoke saying:

‘I AM releasing a flow of My Power that will awaken and commission My called-out ones, My for-such-a-time-as-this ones! This is not awakening them from sleep but awakening that which I have placed in them! I will now Breathe on and ACTIVATE the seeds of Purpose I have sown into this “called-out” company. They will rise, and I will send them out with Power and Strategy to fulfill the Purposes that have been awakened!’

We are now emerging from one of the most difficult seasons that most, if not all of us, have ever walked through. It was a brutal season in which many suffered great losses and hardships.

Our Savior and High Priest, Jesus Christ, is not insensitive to these things. He cares deeply and understands ‘the feeling of our infirmities’ for he who has entered His Rest has himself also ceased (Hebrews 4:15). Knowing this truth, verse 16 exhorts us to ‘…come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.’

It is interesting that the Word Grace means ‘Divine Influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life’ (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, G5484). The Revelation we find here in Hebrews 4 is that Jesus does care for us. He understands the reality in which we live because He, Himself, lived in a human body. Therefore, in our time of need, we can approach Him BOLDLY and find GRACE to help us. However, His GRACE is extended, not just as a means to comfort us in our time of need, but as Divine Wisdom sent to influence our thinking, enabling us to rise above the fray and keep going!

I feel we are now in a span of time in which God is focused on the Ecclesia. The Seeds of Purpose we carry have now become necessary. Therefore, He is calling us back to Himself, refocusing and reviving us as He breathes on us with His Resurrection Life. We are being positioned for the future, which is now unfolding.


We have entered our time on the timeline, and as we move through the last weeks of this year, the Lord is breathing His Resurrection Life into us, reviving and launching us as a prepared people, equipped to move with Him in this opportune time.

To all who will put on Christ, step into the wind and allow Him to ignite and activate that which He has entrusted us to carry, I hear the Lord saying:

You have entered a place of releasing Divine Purpose and Destiny! Things will begin to unfold that will surprise you and even cause you to ask, “God, what is this?” And you will find signs alerting you to the fact that you are indeed in a new place. But DO NOT FEAR, for I will guide you! Don’t follow your emotions; they are not trustworthy. Follow Me as I order your steps. Listen for My Instructions and free yourself to obey Me instantly. Focus forward, not behind, and not self-ward. There is much to accomplish. I am fulfilling My Word for this time. This is a vital moment, and I need you to stay alert. Watch Me. Trust Me. Obey Me.’

‘Divine connections are about to be made. Ways are opening! Ideas are coming! There are prayers you prayed, thinking it was for the moment in which you prayed them, but I provoked those prayers ahead of time to set into motion things meant for this time. There are courses of events that have been working together to form this moment!

Now, you are entering the DOOR of your “defining moment,” and things will begin to happen very quickly. Stay above the fray so you can Hear and See from My Perspective. Move with instant obedience as I lead you forward!

Pray with us:

Father, in this critical moment, we come boldly before Your Throne of Grace to receive Divine Wisdom and Instruction that will enable us to rightly navigate the future as it unfolds. We yield our lives to You, and we declare that the Seeds which You have sown into us, which have now become necessary in Your Eternal Plan of the Ages, will spring forth and bear the fruit of Your intended Purposes! We rise above the noise of the chaos surrounding us—and even above the influence of our own emotions—and set our focus on You. We listen for Your instructions and will obey You swiftly.

We breathe in Your Resurrection Life, and we are being REVIVED.

Jesus, be Glorified through Your awakened Body The CHURCH of the Living GOD-Jehovah!


Make this SO Dear LORD! Make this SO!

Portions of this Proclamation are from GIVE HIM 15 – Dutch Sheets

