Today's Proclamation 10-10-2024

  • Oct 10, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, simply stated, a COVENANT is a binding agreement or promise between two or more parties.

Obviously, covenants have different levels and strengths. In God’s Eyes, a marriage covenant is obviously more binding than two friends pledging their allegiance to one another. We do not become one with someone through a friendship-type covenant, as we do in marriage. Abraham’s Covenant with God rises above most others. The NEW Covenant through Christ’s Blood stands above ALL covenants.

When I state that America is in Covenant with God, I am NOT saying the Lord entered into the type of covenant with our nation that He did with Abraham. And I’m certainly NOT equating it to a covenant like unto what we enjoy with God through Christ. Nor am I implying that it is based on a blood sacrifice of some sort.

I AM saying that early Pilgrims, settlers, and Founders in America entered into sacred alliances and agreements with God. They did so through united Prayers, spoken Declarations, and written documents - including our founding documents. Our Founders made sacred, covenantal promises to function under God’s Government and care, to serve His Purposes, and to Honor Him. This was all based-on Christ’s Sacrifice and the Scriptures, making it acceptable to God. It was also accepted because God Himself inspired and motivated the actions!

America absolutely has Covenant Agreements and Alignments with God, as well as Covenant Promises FROM God! He still Honors them, and as we DECLARE them in PRAYER, they are POWERFUL. We can agree and decree with Hunt’s Cape Henry declaration that the Gospel will go from these shores to ALL the nations of the earth. We can declare and decree with Congress that we are one nation under God. We can decree with Ben Franklin and the Continental Congress that the God of Providence founded us and He will finish what He started.

We Can Take Out Giants with these DECLARATIONS!

We decree that America was founded by God, under an Appeal to Heaven, and that an Appeal to Heaven is giving us a rebirth!

We decree that we are a voice for Him to ALL the earth, and the Gospel of the Kingdom will go forth from America to ALL people!

We decree that we are a nation founded under Christ’s Blood and His Rule, and that We Have NO King but Jesus!

We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and that our three branches of government were founded under this TRUTH! (Isaiah 33:22). 

We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s Light, and darkness will not prevail!

We decree that God’s Mercy over America endures FOREVER; His Mercies are new every morning!

We decree that He who began a Good Work in America will complete it, that God had a Plan for our Restoration before we even rebelled against Him!

We decree that nothing can stop our Restoration because our TRUST is in God! 

We decree that God’s Redeeming Power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His TRUTH will prevail!

We decree that God has the ability to SAVE - loves to do so - and takes no pleasure in judgment!

We decree that we are seated with Christ, and satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness!

We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia representing His Authority on earth; we have His Keys of Authority to bind and loose, open and close.

We decree that NO weapon formed against America’s restoration, nor against the Purposes of God for our country will prosper.

We decree that America shall be SAVED!!!

And LORD JESUS, we pray for Your Grace to be upon ALL the People of Florida. We ask for Grace, Comfort, Strength, and abundant Provision. Holy Spirit come rest on us to lead – guide – direct and inspire us all TO DO Things RIGHT according to Your Word!

We ASK and DECLARE all this in the Mighty Name of KING JESUS!


Portions were taken from GIVE HIM 15 – Dutch Sheets

