Today's Proclamation 09-16-2021

  • Sep 16, 2021
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, where is OUR FOCUS TODAY, on the Law or on His Grace?

For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under His Grace. For sin {all of my wrong doings} shall NOT have dominion over you, for you are NOT under the law {which is what I think I am to God} but under Grace {which is what God thinks about me}.

LINK = Romans 6:14

Under the Law, we are SELF-OCCUPIED – Is it me, Jesus? Are you angry at me, God?

Under His Grace, we are Christ-OCCUPIED – Look what the Lord has DONE!  Do you know Jesus?  What kind of love is this that Christ gave His Life in order that WE might live with Him FOREVER!   

He is preparing a place for each one of us who believe His Words are True!

Bible LINK = John 14:1-3

Remember that The Law DEMANDS from you and His Grace SUPPLIES everything to you!

Law = what man is to God   

  • If I focus on the Law I fail in my efforts to be with/like God.

Grace = what God is to man  

  • If I focus on His Grace, I accept the FREE Gift of Salvation, because Jesus has already PAID in full the price for my right relationship with my Heavenly Father-God! 

Under the Law, I am just a man, a slave to sin, disobedient, reckless, following every whim.

Under GRACE, I am a Child of God, the Righteousness of Christ covers me; a Co-Heir to the Kingdom, trusting and surrounded by His Goodness and His Mercies everywhere that I go!

It is possible that I can become Christ-like in everything that I SAY and what I DO by His Grace!  Let us re-read same verse:

For sin {all of my doubts, fears and frustrations} shall NOT have dominion {no control, no influence, no authority} over you, for you are NOT {condemned by my actions} under the law {which means my performance does not matter to Father-God – my efforts will never be ‘good-enough’ to justify a relationship} but under HIS GRACE {I am already accepted in the Beloved Family of GOD, I am a Son, I am a Daughter of our Creator God-Jehovah}.  CHRIST IN ME, the HOPE of GLORY!


This is our PRAYER, to be CHRIST-LIKE in all we SAY and in all we DO TODAY!

LORD, open the eyes of my heart! I want to see YOU!

Randy Travis sings – Open the eyes of my heart!

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