Today's Proclamation 08-30-2024

  • Aug 30, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, on Fridays we pause from our Prayers of supplications and petitions to GIVE THANKS and WORSHIP the LORD our GOD!

We SING SONGS and Hymns which are scriptures set to music as one VOICE in unison. We SING these Spiritual SONGS to change the atmosphere surrounding us that will usher in the very Presence of Almighty GOD and release Signs, Wonders and Miracles in numbers we cannot even imagine.

AS IT IS WRITTEN IN  1Timothy 2:3-8

Therefore, I want the men & women in every place to PRAY, lifting up Holy Hands, WITHOUT anger and disputing or quarreling or doubt [in their mind].

This [kind of praying-singing] is good and acceptable and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires ALL People to be SAVED [Free Gift of Salvation] and to come to the knowledge and recognition of the [Divine] TRUTH. For there is [only] ONE God, and [only] one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a Ransom [a substitutionary sacrifice to atone] for ALL, the testimony given at the Right and proper time, so that we may live a Peaceful and quiet Life in ALL Godliness and Dignity. Amen!

This Group is called = We The Kingdom and they have several GREAT Songs full of ENERGY & LIFE! 

The name We The Kingdom comes from the idea that the Kingdom of God is not merely referring to Heaven or the Power of God or His Angels. The Kingdom of God is here among us, after all what is a Kingdom without King Jesus and His People. God has called us to big things, great and mighty things, that we can't even begin to imagine.

So let's start living like we belong to a Mighty Movement of Believers across this land and around the world.  Bible LINK = Luke 1:33-35


GOD SO LOVED the World more than 5 million views



SONG LYRICS based on John 3:16-18

Come all you weary Come all you thirsty

Come to the well That never runs dry

Drink of the Water Come and thirst no more

Come all you sinners Come find His Mercy

Come to the Table He will satisfy Taste of His Goodness

Find what you’re looking for:


For God so Loves The world that He gave us

His one and only Son to save us

Whoever believes in Him Will live FOREVER


Bring all your failures Bring your addictions

Come lay them down at the foot of the cross

Jesus is waiting there with open arms

The power of Hell Forever defeated

Now it is well I’m walking in Freedom

For God so Loves God so loves the world


Praise God Praise, God from whom all Blessings flow

Praise Him, Praise Him for the Wonders of His Love

Bring all your failures Bring your addictions

Come lay them down at the foot of the cross  

Jesus is waiting God so Loves the world


