Today's Proclamation 08-29-2024

  • Aug 29, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, We the People are at a moment in time that requires a decision! Do we as a nation move forward with the Presence of the LORD, or do we continue to strive and battle against evil forces in our own strength & limited resources?

Here is a scene from the TV Series called The Chosen which depicts our nations' current situation. We are LIKE the man paralyzed by our discouragement & our own desperation at the pool of Bethesda! We are looking for someone (like President Donald Trump) to carry us to the waters when an Angel stirs the waters, so that our country can be healed. We the People have the God-given Power to make CHANGES!

The FACT is that we should look to JESUS Himself and BELIEVE HE CAN MAKE US WHOLE AGAIN!

Jesus HEALS at the Pool of Bethesda – The Chosen

Do you want to be HEALED?


Look at Me – do you want to be HEALED?

We have tried for a long time, and we do NOT want any FALSE Hope!

We do NOT need this pool, no more excuses. WE need JESUS!

SO, let’s GO – Pick up your matte and WALK!


The cynics in the news media will QUESTION us, just like the Pharisees. However, we know beyond a shadow of any doubt that our lives have been touched by KING JESUS!

AS IT IS WRITTEN in Bible LINK = John 5:1-30   &   LINK = 1Peter 2:24


To learn more about how this scene was made, watch this short video clip on YouTube!

Pool of Bethesda Deep Dive – House of God’s Loving Kindness from The Chosen Series



LORD JESUS, WE the People of GOD, who have been called out of darkness and into Your Marvelous LIGHT, WE want our Nation TO BE HEALED!


AMEN and Amen!