Today's Proclamation 07-17-2024

  • Jul 17, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, there is a profound sense of GOD’s Miracle Power that is being diluted by the so-called news media. These screaming banshees are trying every trick in their book of evil deeds to DISTRACT – DEFLECT & Discourage us from the FACT of the MATTER that Almighty GOD-Jehovah SPARED President Donald J. Trump’s LIFE!

The pundits are fumbling all over themselves desperately trying to explain the Supernatural Divine Intervention that wrecked their wickedness & plot to KILL a man who will be elected back to office by Divine Providence!

AS IT IS WRITTEN IN  Isaiah 55:6-12

Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him [for Salvation] while He is near. Let the wicked leave (behind) his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have Compassion (Mercy) on him, and to our God, for He WILL Abundantly PARDON!

For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My Ways, declares the LORD. For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than your ways and My Thoughts higher than your thoughts.

For as the rain and snow come down from Heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, making it bear and sprout, and providing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so will My Word be which goes out of My Mouth;

It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

For you will go out [from exile] with JOY and be led forth [by the LORD Himself] with Peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of JOY before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Dear ones, the evil doers among us now know for certain that NOTHING can stop what the LORD our GOD has PLANNED for these United States of America! ALL of Creation will CELEBRATE what the LORD is DOING in the earth NOW!

Something is very WRONG with the people who have been infected with TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome!  WE must NOT take the BAIT of arguing with anyone that so hates Donald Trump because they are totally irrational.

Instead, we can and should TELL THEM ABOUT MY JESUS!

Then we can return this NATION to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD with Liberty and Justice for ALL!

We only have to LOVE GOD and LOVE ONE ANOTHER!  LINK= Luke 10:27

We ARE the CHURCH of the Living GOD-Jehovah!

We ARE Children of The KING JESUS - Adopted into the Family of GOD as a CO-HEIR with CHRIST, who is now seated in Heavenly Places PRAYING for us at this very moment!  LINK = Ephesians 1:20

We should RISE every morning and PRAY –

LORD JESUS! What are WE going to do this Day?  Who will we have Divine Appointments with this Day? How can I help expand Your Kingdom Purposes in ALL the earth just as You have Ordained from Heaven above?

Thank You-LORD for LOVING me & my family like nobody else does!

Thank You-LORD for sparing the LIFE of President Donald J. Trump!

I Believe that You have ordered my steps and NOTHING that is NO-THING is going to happen to me this Day, that You don’t already KNOW about AND You have made Plans for my Benefit to walk in Your Ways –


SURE BEEN GOOD – Elevation Worship


You’ve been better to me Than I could ever have hoped You would be

You took the mess that I was And You have done some incredible things

You always knew there was a better me But You Loved me like I was

Filling up the spaces in between You’ve always been enough

You’ve been just that Good, You’re Good to me

You’ve been just that Good, so Good to me

Lord without Your Love where would I be

Oh my God You’ve sure been Good to me

You didn't have to take my sin But You did And I won't forget it

You didn't have to call me friend But You did And I won't forget it

And I'm Praising You because You didn't leave me like I was

You didn't have to save my soul But You did And I won't forget it

You didn't have to take my shame But You did And I won't forget it

You didn't have to call my name But You did And I won't forget it

And I'm Praising You because You didn't leave me like I was

You didn't have to save my soul But You did And I won't forget it

You didn't have to die for me But You did And I won't forget it

You didn't have to set me free But You did And I won't forget it

And I'm Praising You because You didn't leave me like I was

You didn't have to save my soul But You did And I won't forget it

Lord without Your love where would I be

Oh my God You’ve sure been Good to me


Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Joshua Holiday, Chandler Moore ©Music by Elevation Worship Publishing // Elevation Worship Publishing 2 // Maverick City Publishing/For Humans Publishing CCLI # 7235637
