Today's Proclamation 07-16-2024

  • Jul 16, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, WE HAVE EVIDENCE that the HAND of GOD is on display for the entire world to witness!  The shot that was seen around the world. People that have seen with their own eyes this MIRACLE of President Trump surviving an assassination attempt.

AS IT IS WRITTEN IN  Jeremiah 1:4-10

Then the Word of the LORD came to me, saying:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I Sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

Then the LORD put forth His Hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me:

Behold, I have put My Words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.

Dear ones, EVERYONE understands this near-death experience! We can conclude that the LORD our God-Jehovah is NOT DONE with President Donald J. Trump. His life was spared for a Kingdom Purpose, and we know without any doubt that this is TRUE!

Let us PRAY this in AGREEMENT:

Father-God, we THANK You for protecting Donald Trump from this assassination attempt. We Pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and for comfort to the family of the hero who lost his life protecting his family. We Pray that You would continue to protect Presidents Trump and Biden and Federal Court Judges and Civil Court Judges and Supreme Court Judges and Secret Service Agents and their families because no one needs to die before their time. We also Pray this for our local government leaders in Congress and for leaders in our state: governors, legislators, judges, mayors, council members, firefighters and police and state troopers that Your Divine Protection & Your abundant Provision be with us ALL. Cover us ALL from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet with the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus our LORD & our Savior!

LORD JESUS, we respectfully ASK that this experience will draw President Trump closer to You, Father-God. I have always believed that at some point, Trump would have a profound encounter with You, that You would fill him with Your Spirit and bring him into a close relationship with You. Let this be that time. In the coming days and weeks and months ahead! We Believe it is Your Heart’s desire is that NONE should perish and that everyone comes to the Saving Knowledge of Your Great Grace!

We also Pray that the White House becomes a place where You are WELCOMED, loved, worshiped, and honored daily. May the fragrance of worship and intercession arise from those grounds. Let this be part of the HEALING for our great land.

And we will never stop asking for and declaring that REVIVAL breaks out ALL across our nation in a Third Great Awakening. You are coming to Redeem and Reform America.

We KNOW that America was created according to Your Word and by Your Sovereign Divine Kingdom Purpose to shine Your Light & Your Grace & Your Truth to a very dark world.

