Today's Proclamation 07-11-2024

  • Jul 11, 2024
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, No Word spoken by God is without power!

For nothing will be impossible with God. (Luke 1:37 NASB)

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the Heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let’s hold firmly to our confession. (Hebrews 4:14 NASB)

Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our Hope without wavering, for He who Promised is Faithful. (Hebrews 10:23 NASB)


This is the Angel's response to Mary‘s question of how she, as a virgin, could possibly have a baby. The Angel told her Holy Spirit would overshadow her and impregnate her with Christ. (v. 35) He then mentioned Elizabeth being pregnant with John the Baptist. (v. 36) Then He made the powerful statement in verse 37,

With God, nothing is impossible.

A more literal and accurate translation of this verse is,

For no Word spoken by God is without Power!

Just let that sink in. The Angel was saying,

The Words I’m speaking to you are God’s Words. Therefore, they have the Power to perform this Miracle. No Word spoken by Him is without Power!

Whether it be an Angel speaking God’s Words, as it was here, a prophet (Isaiah 55:11), or an intercessor walking and talking with God, the TRUTH IS that no Word God has spoken is without Power. This is why I often put Scripture references in the prayers at the end of the posts, as I did yesterday. I want you to know which verses the prayer is based on so you can be confident in His Power! Also, these verses are to equip you as you continue Praying and Declaring God’s Words.

There is no more powerful Prayer, or weapon against the devil, than speaking God’s Word.

When JESUS was in the wilderness fasting & praying, His main line of defense was to SAY OUTLOUD –


As WE PRAY, speak God’s Words. and use verses Holy Spirit gives you personally whereby the devil will flee from you frustrated.

I AM FORGIVEN, and Almighty GOD – KING of the UNIVERSE has Created me for such a time as this!

I AM A CHILD OF GOD-JEHOVAH, and my Heavenly Father has PLANS for my Life and it is my DESTINY that I should WALK in His Ways ALL MY DAYS!

Remember that Abraham & Sarah, BOTH of them BROKE their Covenant Relationship with the LORD our GOD!

Abraham impregnated his servant woman with his wife’s encouragement.

Sarah expelled Hagar from the family and sent her out to die of starvation.

Sarah robbed Ishmel of a relationship with his earthly father Abraham and broke Abraham’s heart, until the Promise of God was revealed with the birth of his son Isaac.

Sarah tried to LIE to GOD about her reaction to giving birth to a son at her advanced age. [Genesis 18:9-15]

However, GOD did NOT excuse their SINS and He did NOT ignore the consequences or the bad fruit of their actions and words.

What GOD DID was to Cleanse and Redeem them so that He could still use them for His Kingdom Purposes in the earth. God kept His Word!

Let’s put this concept in today’s terms. My history of sins both major & minor sins & offenses DOES NOT DISQUALIFY ME from being used by GOD in the lives of people around me every day!

The Blood of JESUS avails for me and cleanses me from ALL unrighteousness! He has removed my transgressions as far as the East is from the West and He does not remember my “lawless deeds” and Jesus will NOT count our trespasses against us!   Bible LINK = Luke 7:36-50

Therefore, I say to you, her sins, which are many, are Forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

Then He said to her,

Your sins are Forgiven!

And those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themselves, who is this man who even forgives sins? Then He said to the woman,

Your Faith has saved you. Go in Peace.

What a Savior Jesus IS The Christ, The Messiah, the only begotten Son of the Living GOD – Yahweh! 

