Today's Prayer Prompts 07-23-2014

  • Jul 23, 2014
  • Bob Willhite
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, we MUST pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

As the lies and deceptions continue to be displayed on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, and what is left of the print media, we are being ‘brainwashed’ to have compassion for the people of Hamas and the Palestinians and be “angry” at Israel and the Jews. Why is our media and our government taking the side of Hamas and GIVING them $47 million dollars, for what purpose?

Seven years ago, the nation of Israel GAVE a little strip of land along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to a group of Palestinians with certain conditions that THEY have ignored. Instead of living in Peace with the Jews, these Palestinians deliberately chose to form an alliance with Hamas and smuggle in weapons of war. Our government leaders, in particular the President of the United States are sympathetic towards these radical Muslims and their causes by taking a political stand AGAINST the nation of Israel and their people. These things ought NOT to be so!

Now the LORD-GOD had said to Abram:

I will make you a great nation; I will Bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a Blessing! I will Bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be Blessed!   Genesis 12:1-3

Father-God, YOU KNOW what is actually happening right now in the Gaza Strip and in the city of Gaza. The army of Israel is rooting out the bombs and rockets and weapons of war that have been stockpiled even in the United Nations school houses. Israel gave advanced warning to ALL of the occupants of Gaza long before the shelling started. There are hundreds of thousands of people that are in United Nations shelters and are safe from attacks by Israel. Yet the Palestinians & Hamas have ignored EVERY call for a cease fire! Why are these radical Muslim terrorist using human shields to surround their weapons cache? Why are the only pictures on the nightly news are those of civilians being killed in Gaza and not the thousands of rockets being launched against Israel?

LORD, we FORGIVE our President and our national leaders who are sympathetic towards these radical Muslims and are against the Jewish nation. We FORGIVE the television executives who have chosen to ignore and distort the TRUTH and continue to feed our nation their propaganda every day.

LORD, we PRAY in agreement with Your Word that the people in Gaza would have the scales removed from their eyes and SEE for themselves that Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior is the Messiah, the chosen ONE, the only begotten Son of the Living God that protects, preserves and defends the nation of Israel and its people here on earth.

Amen and Amen!