Today's Prayer Alert 09-03-2009

  • Sep 3, 2009
  • Bob Willhite
  • Category: Prayer Alerts


Let us focus our prayers today on our Love of God and our love of country!

Ladies and Gentlemen, what is the role of the local church in this national debate?

Should we have “town hall meetings” in our local churches and synagogues? Should pastors, priests, ministers, and church leaders invite their elected representatives to their local churches for a meeting with their congregations? This would eliminate certain factions like ACORN and union people who do not live in these representatives’ district from attending meetings with the sole purpose of disrupting.

Imagine no “grand standing”, but everything being done peaceable and in order. All cell phones turned off. One question at a time – one answer at a time and then join hands together and pray for one another! This would be so much better than the media “hype” and sensationalism of what is being show on the network news and cable news stations. The elected representatives can be assured that the people attending these “church meetings” actually do live in the districts that elected them.

These representatives would have first hand interactions with families, friends, neighbors that care about this country. They might be willing to listen to people that respect God and have served their country, instead of national “focus groups” that are paid to have an opinion that most closely matches the people paying for their report. The people that come to these “church meetings” must have their voter registration cards with them to gain access to the meeting. If you did not vote, in the last election, then you cannot disrupt, discourage, nor derail our rights to assemble peaceably.      The voters registration card will prove that you live in the district and you have participated in the process as a citizen of America. What a witness to the local community of believers and non-believers this would be for all of us.


Lord Jesus, we want to serve You with the BEST of our time, talent and treasurers. Remind us how our founding fathers were pastors, ministers, priests, and men and women of Faith, that were familiar with God’s Laws and God’s Ways of governing over nations and peoples and that acknowledge Almighty God as the Supreme Authority here in the earth. Remind us that we are all children of Your Creation. Remind us to pray daily for those people who are in a position of authority over us. Our mayors, our city councils, our governors, our state representatives, and our congressional representatives and our senators. Especially we pray for our President, open the ears of his understanding, and open his eyes to see what the Lord God Almighty is doing across this country.

Lord Jesus, if it is possible, would You allow Barack Hussein Obama to have a “Damascus road experience” just like Saul of Tarsus when he became the Apostle Paul and really did “change his world”.  Acts 9:1-31  Imagine the witness this would be to the Muslim world and the Christian nations, President Barack Obama announces to the world that Christ Jesus is Lord of his life and we all must humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face, turn from our wicked ways, forgive our national sins and HEAL OUR LAND!

Never-the-less, it is not my purpose, nor what I want to have happen that is important in this matter. We will always pray in agreement that “Thy Kingdom come, and Thy WILL BE DONE, on earth, just as it is in heaven.” 

Amen and Amen!