Today's Pause for Prayer 11-05-2018

  • Nov 5, 2018
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Our Highest Allegiance is Neither Republican nor Democrat

Ladies and Gentlemen, we must know “WHAT” we believe and “WHY” we believe that way we do!

The Children of Israel had finished their wandering in the wilderness and were about to cross over Jordan and enter into the Promised Land. First they had to defeat the walled city of Jericho. We read the account of these events in the fifth chapter of Joshua:

The text states, “When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man was standing before him with His drawn sword in his Hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, ‘Are you for us, or for our adversaries?’” (Joshua 5:13).

This was a logical question to ask. An imposing warrior stood before Joshua, and he wanted to know whose side this was warrior was on. Are you for us or against us?

The man, who was a Divine Messenger, answered with one word: No!

That was not the answer Joshua was expecting!

He was saying,

I’m not for you or for your adversaries. Rather, I AM the commander of the Army of the LORD. Now I have come.

Joshua 5:14

When Joshua realized who was standing before him, he fell to the ground and worshiped. This warrior carried the very Presence of God Almighty.

And Joshua understood the message. This warrior was there to lead God’s army into war. Would Joshua join with him? Would Joshua follow God’s orders? It was a matter of Joshua aligning with the Lord rather than the Lord aligning with Joshua.

When it comes to the political scene today, the Republicans are not always right and the Democrats are not always right. The same goes for the Independents and the Libertarians. We are not here to choose sides, we are here to follow the paths of His Righteousness – His Peace and receive the benefits of His JOY unspeakable!

The Angel of the LORD is available to TAKE-OVER our election process and deliver His Victory to all Americans!

Only God is always Right, and we must align ourselves with Him, which means aligning ourselves with what is important to Him, His Kingdom, His Power, and His Authority.

My first allegiance — our first allegiance — is higher than any political party group.

We MUST VOTE for candidates that have Biblical principles and not evil intentions.

Remember – NOT to VOTE is to VOTE!