Today's Pause for Prayer 09-17-2018

  • Sep 17, 2018
  • Michael Blank
  • Category: Prayer Alerts

Ladies and Gentlemen, we wrestle NOT with flesh and blood, but with spirits, principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places - Ephesians 6:12

And God spoke all these words, saying:

I AM the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me!

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  Exodus 20:1 & 16

Dear ones, there are many many FALSE witnesses that are being proclaimed through the national media these days. Any FALSE claim is of the devil and is pure evil in the sight and hearing of most people in America.

Satan has no authority over us to steal kill and destroy unless we first accept his FALSE accusations made against us. When we agree with his lies, we are exposed to fear, anger and doubts about who we really are in Christ! The devil is a LIAR and the father of ALL lies.

We overcome these FALSE accusations by proclaiming our position as a Blood bought Child of the Kingdom of God and Joint Heirs with Christ!  Romans 8:17

I AM the Righteousness of Almighty God IN CHRIST!

Holy Spirit of the Living LORD, we PRAY in agreement with Your Word that relates:

God made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin, to be a sin offering for us, that we might become the Righteousness of God in CHRIST!   2Corinthians 5:21

Jesus has already Redeemed me from the consequences of ALL my sins, past present and future sins by His sacrifice on the Cross – He died and rose again once for ALL!

Amen and Amen!